Duties and Responsibilities
Design and develop programme strategies in area of WPS:
- Design and formulate programme implementation strategies to guide the roll-out of the UN Women’s WPS programme, Phase II;
- Oversee the implementation of the Programme’s inception phase activities including the inception workshop, advocacy visits to stakeholders, identification of target beneficiaries and the finalization of the Programme’s implementation plans, among others;
- Undertake ongoing research and analysis to inform the refinement of programme implementation strategies;
- Draft inputs to country strategy documents, briefs, policy dialogue and other documents related to WPS.
Manage the implementation and management of the WPS programme:
- Finalize the annual workplan and budget and manage their implementation in accordance with the program document;
- Provide guidance to partners on Results Based Management tools and performance indicators, in collaboration with the M&E Specialist;
- Organize the Project Steering Committee, project review and/or evaluation meetings, as needed.
- Facilitate the technical implementation of the programme and ensure synergies with other teams;
- Oversee the timely submission of implementing partners’ financial and narrative reports;
Manage technical assistance and capacity development to project/programme partners:
- Build and manage relationships with national partners to support the implementation and expansion of the WPS Program, respond to any potential problems;
- Provide guidance and support to implementing partners to enhance programme implementation and reporting;
- Identify capacity building needs of partners and lead the coordination of technical assistance, mentoring, training and capacity development initiatives targeted to partners.
Manage the monitoring and reporting of the programme/ project:
Under the guidance of, and in collaboration with the M&E Specialist and WPS Team Lead:
- Regularly monitor programme implementation and finances, using results-based management tools;
- Monitor the implementation of activities and spending of funds by partners and conduct regular monitoring visits;
- Prepare and timely submit quarterly and annual progress reports, including reports to donors;
- Provide inputs from WPS programme activities and results to inform corporate reporting requirements.
Manage the people and financial resources of the WPS programme:
- Manage the programme budget and draft financial reports;
- Oversee recruitment processes, as necessary;
- Oversee the work of programme staff under direct supervision and provide mentorship and coaching support as necessary.
- Oversee programme financial monitoring, including budget revisions, and expenditure tracking and reporting;
- Oversee and monitor the allocation and disbursement of funds to implementing partners
Build partnerships and support in developing resource mobilization strategies:
- Develop and implement partnerships and resource mobilization strategies;
- Review donor funding trends and priorities and identify opportunities for resource mobilization;
- Prepare substantive briefs on possible areas of donor cooperation and identify opportunities for cost sharing.
Contribute to inter-agency coordination on WPS to achieve coherence and alignment of UN Women programmes with other partners in the country:
- Provide technical support to the Representative and Deputy Representative on inter-agency coordination related activities by attending meetings, events, and participating in groups and committees as needed;
- Coordinate with other UN agencies, government departments, donors and NGOs to ensure the projects’ capacity development programme is harmonized and aligned with other in-country efforts.
Manage advocacy, knowledge building and communication efforts:
- Develop and review background documents, briefs and presentations related to the WPS Programme;
- Represent UN Women in meetings and policy dialogues on issues related to WPS as necessary;
- Develop knowledge management strategies, products and methodologies on WPS;
- Ensure documentation of the WPS Programme implementation process and products, in accordance with UN Women guidelines;
- Contribute to the sharing and exchange of information and WPS knowledge products internally and externally through the programme.
- Develop advocacy strategies and oversee their implementation;
- Organize major advocacy campaigns, trainings, workshops and knowledge products to share lessons on the WPS Programme;
- Identify best practices and lessons learned to guide programme improvement and strategy planning;
Key Performance Indicators
- Timely and quality programme design and inputs to Strategic Note;
- Timely and quality of programme delivery in line with budget and workplans, and in line with all UN Women operational rules and regulations, including security;
- Quality reports and timely submission;
- Regular communication with other agencies and partners;
- Quality of advocacy and communication initiatives.
- Timely and quality monitoring and evaluation of programmes;
- Relations with partners and stakeholders;