Latest Event Event Title: Digital Marketing Training Description: Digital marketing training equips individuals and businesses with the knowledge and skills to effectively promote products, services, or brands using online platforms. Date: 3rd - 14th, Feburary 2025
Event Details

Be informed, Migrate Legally

Safety first! Before deciding to move, learn as much as you can about the location you plan to work or live, the type of employment you will have there, the living and working conditions, as well as the environment and cultural context. Consult with your family, friends, and the MRC for assistance.

It's not a good idea to travel without a visa and other documentation. Only immigrate if you have all the necessary travel documents, such as your work permit and visa. You run a lot of dangers when you migrate irregularly, like being exploited or doing unpaid labour.

Migrant Resource Centre Offers

Some of the offers given by the MRC include Job matching, Regular migration advice, Employability training, Career counselling, Outreach and sensitization to schools and communities, Disseminating information on labour laws and worker's rights, Entrepreneurship and access to finance training and so much more.

If you are offered or promised a job abroad

Do not trust everyone. Learn as much as you can about the employment agency helping you find employment abroad. What is their track record? Does their business have a license? Are you being asked to work without a contract or to give a false age? Are they offering you alternatives to work permits, such as tourist visas?

Sign a contract before you accept an Employment offer

Contracts are important! Request the signing of a contract with the hiring company or organization. Your work is not secure if there is no contract. Know the specifics of your contract. It must be signed by both you and your employer and written in language that is understandable to you.

Protect Yourself

If you have problems, talk with a trusted person. Seek help from NGOs or authorities for advice and protection, such as the Nigeria Embassy or Consulate. Use your income wisely. Maintain your remittance to your family but also save something for yourself. Use only the legitimate remittance institutions in sending your money back to Nigeria.

In Emergencies

Be prepared. Always carry with you a list of important telephone numbers including local police, ambulance, fire department, your friends and family, the Nigeria foreign missions in your country of residence, embassy or consulate, NGOs, trade union, migrants associations and the Migrant Resource Centres in Lagos, Benin city and Abuja.

Protect Your Documents

Keep your personal documents safe. Make photocopies of your passport, visa, work contract, etc. Keep the original copies in a safe place and keep photocopies with yourself and your family. Do not allow your employer or recruitment agency to keep your personal documents even if they demand for it.

The Operationalized Skills Upgrading and Vocational Training Centres

Click HERE to download or view the list of trades available at the operationalized skills upgrading and vocational training centres (SUVTCs) of the Federal ministry of labour and employment alongside the list of SUVTCs with their locations and principals.